Monday, July 28, 2008

Street Art. Good vs Bad

I went through all the postings I had done so far and in one entry I mentioned that I had uploaded some street art. Oh boy! I must have dreamt it since I couldn't find a single post regarding street art. So I've decided to show some of the pictures that I have taken around Wellington in which you can get a taste of some different styles of street art.

Whilst putting these images up, I found myself with the dilemma of "is this good or is it bad?" Let me explain. I think that the examples shown here are very good when it comes to creativity and the way people take existing elements and transform them in order to communicate something extra is really clever. Yet, should we pardon the defacing of public buildings or private property if the creation shows a different and unique perspective on how we see things?

The above images shows a really cool character design skill and you can see the showdown between two of the most iconic heroes we have as kids. Cowboy vs Spaceman. Even Pixar made a movie where we have a similar confrontation. These examples were made on paper and plastered on an old building. Is this visual pollution? Only those who walk along this area can really see these representations of art. People who drive by are almost blind to their presence. At least we know it's temporary, come the rain and the images are gone. Does this excuse the artist from putting them up? Would we be able to see his/her creations if they didn't use this way to "showcase" their work?

The example given here is very creative as well but I'm sure that nobody would like to see their logo transformed into a caricature of some sort. This can really be considered as destruction of private property. Maybe, had the same idea been reproduced in another medium, we would be able to catalogue it as something different.

I think the best examples of street art are the images that follow. Even though they have been transformed form their original form, they still convey the function they were created for but they also include something which we can all relate too. These pedestrian crossing signs have become more than just a sign, it has it's own personality and people can even find a way to identify with them. I agree that they are not temporary but I think I can find a way to forgive this fact in the name of art.

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