Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Playing around with the Wacom tablet, I was able to create the final look to this sketch which originally was drawn with pencil. One can undoubtedly spend hours and hours in Photoshop applying filters and what not but I find that keeping thisngs simple has a lot more appeal than something too complicated. The trick is finding a balance and not going overboard with technology.

I have a second version of this final image. I'm not sure which one I like the best. Once again though, having a model that can truly inspire you, helps to get those creative juices flowing.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Slight modification to a previous entry entitled Reflectere. Even though I was really pleased with the results obtained then, the feeling it portrayed was that of emptiness. This second version has a totally different feeling, needless to say, a feeling of warmth, presence and happiness can be perceived. Not only is this shown through the facial expression but can also be seen through the warmer color pallet that has been used. Also, this looks more like the true nature of the one who has inspired me.

Here's the previous image: