Monday, March 14, 2011

Fantastic smile

There are some people that have the ability to transmit positive energy with just a smile. One feels charged in such a way that it's impossible to not smile back. For those brief seconds, everything else around you vanishes and you feel a certain peace... although sometimes, if you like the girl who's smiling at you, peace is definitely not the right word. It's more like the urge to run towards her... or away from her depending on the situation between you two, hahahahaha.

Monday, March 07, 2011


This image came to me after having a conversation with somebody I hold very dear to me. There are a few relationships in which there is so much passion that the intensity can only be compared to fire. If one takes care of the relationship and nurtures it, then it keeps growing, it gets stronger and the fire doesn't consume it. Hmmm.... poetic. ;-)