Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My sister has started taking cake adornment classes just recently. It seems like something completely random but I'm getting used to this kind of behavior. She's always doing random things so it shouldn't take me by surprise that she's embarking on this activity now. I guess she wouldn't be her if she didn't shock us with a different activity every so often.

The list is endless but some of the things she's experimented with include capoeira, design, sculpture, painting, writing poems, business, websites, piano, flute, mandolin, guitar, etc etc etc. She's really talented, just needs to find some direction sometimes. I'm sure she'll keep on looking for something that will spike her interest if cake decorating doesn't capture her attention for too long.

Anyway, her son is about to celebrate his first birthday and I get the suspicion that this is one of the main reasons why she got into the class in the first place. She has decided to make a cake and decorate it using all the knowledge she's accumulated so far. Since I can't be with my sister's family to celebrate the little guy's first year, my sis asked me to come up with some design for the cake.

It didn't take me too long to come up with something, I remember a picture that was taken when Smiles (my nephew) was younger. He had just been in the tub enjoying a bath and was really upset about having to leave the warm water. He was all tucked in a baby towel a in the shape of a duckling. Boy was he upset!! As a matter of fact I think that's one of my favorite pictures of him. No need to explain how Angry Teddy Bear ended up wearing something similar.

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