It was a looong drive to Campeche from Veracruz. Don't know exactly how long we drove for but we were both exhausted. On our way to this city, we drove by Villahermosa, the city that was flooded about a month ago. We couldn't see any real damage although the fields and the jungle close by were still flooded.
The city of Campeche is the capital of the state that is also called Campeche. Sir Frances Drake, Red Beard and Black beard used to raid this city when they were hanging out on the weekends. This is why the city has a wall around it. Many years after the pirates and corsairs were eradicated from this area, it was the men who still went to market. The pirates used to steal the women who ventured outside their houses.
The city of Campeche is the capital of the state that is also called Campeche. Sir Frances Drake, Red Beard and Black beard used to raid this city when they were hanging out on the weekends. This is why the city has a wall around it. Many years after the pirates and corsairs were eradicated from this area, it was the men who still went to market. The pirates used to steal the women who ventured outside their houses.
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