Wednesday, February 24, 2016


This guy has been with me for several years now and I brought him all the way from Mexico. Alebrijes are handcrafted wood carvings that represent visions of dreams normally, however, it's not unusual to come across animals or skeletons too. Some of the best alebrijes come from the state of Oaxaca.

The reason why I'm posting this is because he had a broken leg and a broken antenna for the longest time and I finally did something about it. Unfortunately I forgot to photograph the process involved in its recovery to health, hehehe. I only thought about it once I had finished.... bleah.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the image as much as I enjoy seeing him on top of my bookshelf all in one piece once again.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Research - Search

Just a couple of typographical posters designed as part of a go away gift. I was commissioned to design a poster using a quote that a PhD supervisor always seemed to use when her research group from the Malaghan Institute were stuck with an unsolved problem. Science!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Rey - Star Wars

After watching the latest Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, it was almost imperative for me to draw Rey. So many questions arise from this character, it will be interesting to see how she develops. So glad that we finally have a Star Wars movie that's worth watching over and over again. I've Jedi minded myself to ignore episodes 1-3, hehehe.